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Beside wheat, rice (Oryza sativa) is the most popular cereal in the world. A healthy diet includes regular consumption of rice because of its excellent nutritional properties.

The health benefits of rice lie in the inherent properties of the grain: peeled rice contains protein, carbohydrate (especially starch), minerals and vitamins.

The proteins contained by the rice grain are higher than those contained in cereals, having a higher biological value because of their essential amino acids content.

Rice is a natural source of amino acids, contributing to the development of strong muscles.

The human body can absorb 86% of the proteins contained in rice grain. This is due to the fact that rice has high digestibility rate at any age. 

Nutritionists place rice in the category of stress reducing items due to carbohydrates, vitamin B group and magnesium.

Nutritionists recommend a well balanced diet, rich in rice because it lacks cholesterol, regular consumption of rice is a very important benefit to your health.

Consumed frequently, rice provides a needed dose of calcium and mineral salts with positive effects on developing and maintaining a healthy bone structure.

Easy and fast to digest, rich in iron, one portion of rice can help you to regain force immediately.

Iron is essential for a balanced nutrition. A diet with a low iron content affect the proper functioning of the body, causing headaches, anemia, fatigue.

Rice does not contain trans fats. These fats are dangerous because they increase the level of cholesterol.

Rice represents an important source of the vitamin B complex, which ensures the brain’s proper functioning, by increasing the power of concentration and maintaining a healthy nervous system.

Rice does not contain salt in its natural shape and does not contain gluten either.

Rice has no cholesterol and has a low fat content.

Rice is an important source of carbohydrates given the presence of starch and cellulose.

Ease of digestion of rice depends on the structure of the starch.
Rice starch is set up in the form of tiny grains (2-10 microns) which is better distributed on the gastric wall, thus can be easily broken by gastric juices. This process is supported by its low level of lipids.

The rapid and easy digestion of rice offers a feeling of lightness, without any discomfort.

Rice and rice based products, in the absence of cross-contamination risks, is the most suitable food for those suffering from intestine diseases.

Rice contains the right proportion of sodium and potassium: low sodium content, correlated with high potassium gives rice beneficial features to control arterial pressure.

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